offshore rig



Our Green product range includes tools for monitoring the Energy Efficiency of vessels and their compliance with International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations. You can search vessels by Green specifications, monitor Offshore and Renewable projects, and track vessel activity in Emission Control Areas.

Energy Efficiency ratings include Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI), and Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII).

View, plan and monitor your asset’s environmental performance

Available for the Shipping and Offshore sectors. Learn more about the assets we cover.

Vessel specific Energy Efficiency ratings

Offshore and Green infrastructures

AIS & GIS data


Official methodology

Global coverage

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What is Energy Efficiency?

The International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) new mandatory measures to cut the carbon intensity of international shipping will require ships to calculate their Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and to establish their annual operational Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) rating.

We’re committed to the continued development of products, in line with the latest regulations and measures, to ensure you have the tools to operate your business effectively.

Rating estimates available include:
Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI)
Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI)
Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII)

Energy Efficiency ratings

  • View estimated EEDI and EEXI ratings using IMO methodology and VV vessel data
  • Use Attained and Required ratings to estimate vessel compliance with EEDI and EEXI regulations
  • Customise main engine power and fuel type for instantly updated EEXI rating
  • Use Engine Power Limitation (EPL) as a reference point to bring a vessel into EEXI compliance
  • Export vessel EEDI and EEXI ratings with supporting data
  • Get detailed insights into each individual asset’s Energy Efficiency compliance
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Compare vessels’ Energy Efficiency ratings

  • Compare EEDI and EEXI estimates for multiple vessels across fleets and portfolios
  • Access median fleet performance and required performance levels
  • Visualise data in chart form
  • View compliance estimates for your own and other fleets
  • View and export tables with vessel ratings and supporting data for further analysis

Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII)

  • Access fuel, distance, and CO2 estimates based on real-time vessel location data
  • View current and historical CII rating estimates for individual vessels
  • Access ratings for live year to date and previous three years
  • Access CII ratings (bands A-E), Attained and Required Annual Efficiency Ratio (AER), CO2 emitted, distance travelled, and fuel
  • Available in a handy reference chart showing vessels live CII rating and band A-E boundaries
carbon intensity indicator
vvwebsite fleetdatabase thumbnails cii

Explore and compare vessels’ energy efficiency performance

  • Search by Green features including Eco Engine, Engine Dual Fuel and Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS) Fit Date, as well as compare multiple vessels of interest against EEDI, EEXI, and CII compliance vs. non-compliance.
  • View results specific to your needs by customising table columns and saving them for seamless data sharing.

Monitor Offshore Renewable projects

  • View existing, planned and cancelled Renewable projects (wind, tidal, wave and solar)
  • Search windfarm installations with full details down to a turbine level (Operators, MW capacity, number of turbines, foundation type, project status, turbine manufacturer and model)
monitor offshore renewables
access offshore renewables vessel activity

Access Offshore Renewables vessel activity

  • Easily search, view and save details on Offshore Renewables vessel activity
  • View which oil and gas vessels have worked on, are currently working on or are capable of working on Offshore Renewable projects
  • All results displayed clearly for easy analysis

Track vessel activity in Emission Control Areas

  • Monitor vessel activity within Emission Control Areas (which vessels when, time spent, frequency, speeds and more)
  • Set up zone alerts to automatically notify of vessels entering or leaving Emission Control Areas
track vessel activity in emission control areas
create portfolio with saved vessels and export functionality

Create portfolios with saved vessels and export functionality

  • Save vessels based on Energy Efficiency ratings, Offshore Renewable activities and Green features
  • Create and save fully editable portfolios with all vessels of interest
  • View detailed ownership structures
  • Perfect for analysis and additional insights

Here are just some of the benefits

View, compare and analyse

Access and customise rapid estimations of EEDI, EEXI and CII ratings.

Monitor vessels and fleets

Calculate and monitor vessel and fleet compliance with adjustable assumptions.

Search and save

Search, analyse and compare vessels by multiple Green features and criteria.

Save and export

Export vessel details, portfolios, and ratings (Attained, Required, Bandings, CO2 emitted, fuel consumed and more).

Monitor and manage

Save, view and search Offshore projects and vessel activities.

Want to know more?

Request a demo and start making informed decisions.